MS Ramen Connoisseurs Club

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Din Tai F*ng

Sat 06/03, 1600hrs...Had lunch with starving Nic at one of the top noodle (i think..) place in Orchard Rd.
HEre's our Beef La-men (Taiwanese Ra-men) plus the exquisite dumpling with 18 folds.
Sorry..was too hungry...started on mine so not presentable...the pix are those of my GF Nic's food...she valiantly took 20secs off her food, to take these photos before devouring them (Bravo!!)... Verdict..Noodle and Soup are Good! But the dumplings are even more heavenly!!


Blogger msrcc said...

Bern, your pic of the dumpling is so cute!!!!!!

9:55 PM  

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